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Post-Treatment Care at Home

Minor Oral Surgery

Some dental treatments may be covered by your insurance plan. Please bring your forms or identity card with you to your appointment. We would be pleased to submit your insurance claims to participating companies.

It is important to follow the instructions below to speed healing. Note that some discomfort and swelling are normal after surgery.

Day of surgery

  • Keep the compresses in your mouth for one to two hours, applying firm pressure. Change the pads every half hour, as needed.
  • Apply ice to your cheek at regular intervals (20 minutes of ice every hour).
  • If bleeding occurs, bite down on a gauze pad or lightly moistened tea bag for 20 minutes.


  • Don't rinse your mouth or spit.
  • Don't drink through a straw.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Don't consume hot foods or beverages. Eat cold, soft foods.
  • Don't engage in intense activity.


  • For pain relief in the first 24 to 72 hours, take acetaminophen (Tylenol, Atasol), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or the medication you were prescribed. Don't take aspirin.

The day after until full healing

  • Rinse your mouth three times a day with a warm salt water solution (2 ml or ½ tsp of salt in 250 ml or 1 cup of water).
  • There may be some bruising on the skin. This will disappear in five to seven days.
  • You may have trouble opening your mouth. This should diminish in four to five days.
  • If the pain increases after three days, call our office.

You will feel better after a few days and can resume your normal activities. If you experience heavy bleeding, pain, continued swelling for two to three days or a negative reaction to the medication, contact us.

7606 Village Centre Place
Suite 1
Greely, on
613 821-1257
3192 logan farm dr.
osgoode, on
613 826-1638